Seth's chronicles
2 min readNov 12, 2021


I almost cried when I figured out 'WHY'

From the day we were born we have been running from one thing to another …

High school to the freedom of college…

One job to another …

This partner to the next …

Living with parents to your own home …

When it comes to starting a business, hiring and firing, romantic relationships, getting a job and other daily life decisions, we often do what ‘feels' right and end up changing if it doesn’t work out well for us.

Sometimes making decisions this way works out perfectly.

On some occasions it costs us money

Or worse, it costs us time…

What if there was one word we could use to sieve every decision we make, that even when things get hard, it guides us to make the best decisions according to what we hope to achieve.

Finding why

Why ? .

Comprehending this one word would transform your thinking in ways more than one.

Let me elaborate.

Why do I do what I do ?

I do what I do because I hope to inspire people in my community, family and other parts of the world by leaving a unique legacy in any industry I enter.

How I do that might differ but the reason remains the same.

It guides my decisions in so many areas of my life.

For example, if your why is that you want to pave the way for more women to get into the soccer business, you won’t date someone that doesn’t believe women should get roles like that or work for a boss like that.

If your why is that you want to buff up and inspire lean people that want to do the same to know it’s possible, it’ll guide your choice of food.

Knowing your why in life will not only save you time and money but it’ll make things in your life more meaningful.

It’ll guide so many decisions in your life and reduce or eliminate regret.

The day I truly understood this, I almost cried because if I had known this sooner…



Seth's chronicles

Recording my thoughts and happenings in my journey through life. Something for my friends and family to remember me by, there's no dull moment here 🤘🏿💯💯